A handcrafted supply enterprise that will provide various types of uniquely handmade products tailored to our customer’s interests good for personal use, family and friends’ presents, giveaways and souvenirs with best quality and affordable price.
Mission & Vision
To provide a uniquely cheap yet with quality handcrafted products tailored to the customer’s interests.
We started as a group of Economic students from Polytechnic University of the Philippines Manila and established this shop for our completion in our Small Medium Enterprise (SME) subject course. We were originally consisted of eight (8) members — Xena, July, Jam, Karl, Kath, Anne, Zay and Carmy.
Due to the extreme dedication and passion Xena and July for arts and crafts, the two remained and decided to continue this not anymore for completion but rather to pursue their passion while serving the needs and wants of our beloved customers.